Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Wild animals, hikes, and new nephew...

Hello there!

So, yesterday I was driving through the neighborhood and I was stopped by a progressing line of wild turkey! Luckily, I had my camera with me and finally had the opportunity to get a pic! Everyone around here thinks it is silly that I get excited over the wild turkey... but I think it is fun! When I was in Ohio last week, I got excited about seeing a groundhog and my friend thought I was overstating the incident. I probably would have taken a picture of the groundhog too, if I had had my camera with me! I guess I just enjoy seeing animals that I do not get to see very often. The picture of turkey is the main pic for today's blog.

Well, since the last blog, I have moved into my new place, made a trip to Ohio to see my new nephew(!), continued in my job search, and spent free time hiking. My new nephew, Carter, is doing great... and so is the rest of his family! Kristen had the quickest delivery! Her water broke at 6am and by noon, she had a new baby boy... what a lucky girl! I stayed home for several days, visiting with friends and family. Going home is always enjoyable, but I was glad to get back to my new home in the mountains!

I have always loved hiking but have not done a whole lot of it. This is primarily because I never have had a group of friends that wanted to go out for more than an hour or was willing to drive more than an hour to get to a trail.... Well, that was before I moved to Asheville! I joined a hiking group and last Saturday I joined them in a hike through Panthertown Valley (which is at the base of Cold Mountain). The trail is listed as difficult, not really because of the terrain but because of the unmarked trails.. making it easy to get lost.. which we did!! All- in-all, the entire hike was 9 miles! It is funny that before I couldn't find people to go on a longer hike and now I find people that don't like to go on short hikes... oh well! that is fine with me! I am just glad that I now have a group of friends that like to discover new trails and are ready to spend the day hiking 'em! During this last hike we pasted 4 waterfalls, each one better then the last! I have pictures of the hike and the waterfalls posted on my online album if you are interested.

Well, until next time... thanks for following!

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